The SCqA Framework for Writing Clear and Effective Text Introductions

Marcio S Galli
3 min readDec 15, 2022


As a writer, it’s important to communicate your ideas clearly and effectively. One way to do this is using the SCqA framework, which stands for Situation, Complication, Question, and Answer. This framework was developed by Barbara Minto, who was one of the first female students to be admitted to the MBA program at Harvard University in 1959–1960.

While at Harvard, Minto struggled to learn advanced math because she found that the textbooks were badly written and prevented her from understanding the material. In response, she rewrote the textbook, straightening the logic in the writing to make it clearer and easier to understand. This experience led Minto to develop an interest in the importance of logic and clear writing. She later became one of the first female consultants for McKinsey, where she had the opportunity to spread her ideas about the importance of logic in writing.

One of the key benefits of using the SCqA framework is that it helps you to focus on the key components of your communication. By starting with the situation or context, you set the stage for your message and provide your audience with the necessary background information. This can help to ensure that your message is clear and relevant.

Next, the complication or issue that prompts the question is identified. This is the key problem or challenge that your message addresses, and it will drive your audience to ask questions and seek more information. Focusing on the complication can help engage your audience and keep them interested in your message.

Finally, the answer needs to be introduced in the form of a key line or summary, followed by supporting points. This is where you present the main ideas or solutions to the problem or challenge you identified earlier. By presenting your answer in a clear and concise way, you can help your audience to understand your ideas and see the value in what you are proposing.

Overall, using the SCqA framework can help you to communicate your ideas more effectively. It provides a clear structure and framework for organizing your communication, making it easier for your audience to understand and engage with your ideas. By focusing on the key components of your message, you can create clear, concise, and effective communication.

In conclusion, the SCqA framework is a valuable tool for writers who want to communicate their ideas effectively. Developed by Barbara Minto, one of the first female students at Harvard Business School and a pioneer in consulting, this framework provides a clear structure and framework for organizing your communication, making it easier for your audience to understand and engage with your ideas. Whether you are writing an article, a speech, or a presentation, using the SCqA framework can help you create clear, concise, and effective communication.


Other credits

Done by Marcio + ChatGPT + Grammarly; and of course all the heroes behind SCqA.



Marcio S Galli
Marcio S Galli

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